Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sri Aurobindo is far wiser than the scientists

Assorted tweets:

India-#China Spiritual Kinship:
I was overjoyed to meet my old friend Dr Yu Longyu, renowned Indologist, Hindi teacher and head, Centre of Indian Studies, #Shenzhen University.
(L) Dr Wu Weilin, Sanskrit teacher; (R) Dr Zhu Xuan, Maharshi Aurobindo scholar.

The transformative potential in any age seems to lie in "the mind behind the mind". That Aurobindo's interesting way of putting what McGilchrist describes as the Master and the Emissary.
The "Mind behind the mind" I've also read described elsewhere as "the You of you". This is also Nietzsche's (and Jung's) "Self" and "Ego" distinction.  Evidently, this "Mind behind the mind" is what has traditionally referred to as "Soul".
Gebser calls this "Mind behind the mind" by the names "the Itself" or "the diaphainon". It would be the principle of integration.
The distinction between intentionality and will would then correspond to the distinction represented in this phrase "Mind behind the mind", which would relate as background and foreground, or context and text respectively.

Sri Aurobindo has criticised learning by snippets but most people including ardent followers and devotees seem to be satisfied with knowing him in snippets. There's palpable reluctance to understand his versatility and resistance against consulting multiple dimensions of his work
Savitri Era Political Action: Sri Aurobindo points out that the real evolutionary force is supramental
Aurora Mirabilis: Sri Aurobindo provides diverse perspectives to sense imperatives

I would like to share with you a short article of mine titled "Ramana Maharshi and the Socratic Method" recently published in the May-June 2019 issue of Direct Path, which is a magazine of the Ramana Kendra, New Delhi.
I will be glad if you can kindly take a look at the attached PDF and share your thoughts in this regard.
The full magazine and earlier issues are available on this link:
Thanks, Kushal.
Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal
Visit this group at
To view this discussion

Ok, forgive me for being a bit critical.
One of the most frustrating things, for me, in the world of integral yoga is the tendency to take something said by Sri Aurobindo (in this instance, over 80 years ago) and apply it uncritically to something happening today.
Bhaga, I have no idea if this applies specifically to you, but I know many devotees who, when hearing the world “psychoanalysis” (or even worse, “psychotherapy”) will simply quote this letter you posted as if it is applicable, without any thought, to all therapy.
1. I think that Sri Aurobindo’s comment is perfectly applicable to he way psychoanalysis was practiced a century ago.
2. Almost no therapists practice psychoanalysis today as it was practiced a century ago.
3. Yet IY’ers will, upon hearing about therapy today, apply Sri Aurobindo’s comment as if it was fully applicable to the therapy of today.
I find this is the case with many many many things that Sri Aurobindo wrote a century ago. One of the comments of his that I keep very much in my consciousness when reading Sri Aurobindo refers to the fact that he completely deconstructed and reconstituted his entire “system” (that was his word) FOUR TIMES.
So people will quote something he wrote in 1900 as if it were intended to convey the exact same Consciousness as something he wrote in 1949.
This is religion.

hi again – hopefully the rest of the new dawn maintains infinite calm and peace in the cells, as always:>))
I am not aware of any therapists I have read about (and I try to keep a sense of how the process of therapy is going around the world, as much as possible, including groups with thousands of therapists globally) – I am not aware of any at least in the last quarter century who still maintain the old Freudian view, at least in the extreme form which Sri Aurobindo rightly critiqued from a century ago, but which by even the 1970s was dissolving and by the end of the 20th century – the idea that all can be explained by the vital – was pretty much gone.
now, there’s something much worse – which isn’t quite caught by His comments – that all can be explained by the purely physical. There are other comments from Sri Aurobindo, written even before WW 1, which to me are better refutations of materialism/positivism/physicalism/naturalism-fundamateralism – than anything I’ve seen from contemporary philosophers.
So of course I’m not saying nothing Sri Aurobindo wrote 100 years ago is applicable! Savitri is eternally young, just to mention one:>))
Just this particular point about psychoanalysis and explaining the higher Reality by the lower vital – and the fact that it has been almost obliterated as a point to be taken seriously is actually, I believe a tribute to Sri Aurobindo!!!

And what, according to Weinberg, is the ultimate explanation? “The more we discover about the universe, the more we realize it is pointless, meaningless.”
And thus, we have Sri Aurobindo, nearly a century ago, far far wiser than the scientists, with an infinitely deeper understanding of the limits of our current science than all but a few truly humble and sincere scientists.

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