Thursday, September 29, 2016

A new interdependence has emerged

September 29, 2016 Dear fellow Sadhaks,
Greetings from Sri Aurobindo Society, Noida Branch. 
Summary of activities held in September 2016
On the 1st Saturday 3-9-16 the Study Circle met for the study of "Yogic Sadhan" edited by Uttar Yogi. This is the famous book written through planchette writing by SriAurobindo.
On the 2nd Saturday 10-9-2016 the Management Committee of the Noida Branch met to discuss administrative and programme issues.
On the 2nd Sunday 11-9-2016 the U.P. State Committee of Sri Aurobindo Society met in Noida for its half-yearly meeting. After the meeting was over Dr. JP Singh delivered a talk on Gita. 
On the 3rd Saturday 17-9-2017 the Study Circle held its second class for the study of "Yogic Sadhan" edited by Uttar Yogi. 
On the 4th Saturday 24-9-2016 there was a Talk by Arun Naik on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo.
We look forward to hear from you. With best wishes,
for and on behalf of SAS Noida Management Committee
Arun Naik
Chairman - Noida Branch
M: 95602-52424, 98914-22794, 0120-4250362

Learning with the Mother 
— Tara Jauhar
ISBN: 978-81-88847-55-6
Publisher: Matri Store, New Delhi
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 156
Price: Rs 150

From the arrival of the first children in the Ashram in the early 1940s the Mother took a keen interest in their development. In this book the author recounts how the Mother helped her from an early age to develop the qualities of leadership and strength of character. At the same time, the book provides an inside look at the beginnings of the physical education activities. Also included are descriptions of the Mother's work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children and the genesis of her French classes with them. The author has collected the dictations, recitations and poems, stories, and translations used in class as well as a record of other topics that arose. The Mother's method of teaching and the manner in which she instilled discipline and inspired a thirst for progress in the children are revealed in these pages.

Integral Yoga at Work 
A Study of Pracitioners' Experiences Working in Four Professional Fields
— Larry Seidlitz
ISBN: 978-81-86413-59-3
Publisher: Indian Psychology Institute (Pondicherry) and the Digital Empowerment Foundation (New Delhi)
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 181
Price: Rs 250

Formerly a research psychologist in the USA, the author conducted a qualitative study of sixteen long-term practitioners of the Integral Yoga working in the fields of business management, education, health care, and the arts. Initial chapters frame his research methodology and examine some general findings regarding the participants' practice of the Yoga in work. Results of the study in each field are based largely on interviews with the participants, and include textual references from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and the author's reflections on central themes and common experiences. The final chapter identifies the various principles and insights regarding the application of Integral Yoga in these four professional fields and presents some of the broader implications of the study.

The Clasp of Civilizations 
Globalization and Religion in a Multicultural World
— Richard Hartz
ISBN: 978-81-246-0805-0
Publisher: Nalanda International, Los Angeles, USA, and D. K. Printworld, New Delhi, India
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 270
Price: Rs 750

Situating the Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago in 1893, as one of the first instances of a global cultural event, this collection of essays springboards into a discussion of globalisation and religion in our multicultural world. The book examines the factors in play as many of the old barriers to global movement and communication have dissolved or crumbled and a new interdependence has emerged, engendering a volatility filled with both promise and pitfalls. Sri Aurobindo’s writings on human unity and social and political development form the basis of the dialogue and discourse presented here. His vision of a spiritual religion of humanity, the growth of an inner spirit of oneness and unity that will become the dominant principle of life, informs the message of the book.

Sri Aravindula Purna Yoga Sadhana 
— Jugal Kishore Mukherjee
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society Centre, Chittoor
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 412
Price: Rs 200

Telugu translation of The Practice of the Integral Yoga

Description of content for original work:
        This comprehensive treatise on the effective practice of the Integral Yoga as propounded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is an outcome of the author’s many years of practice, deep reflection, and inner experience. Combining the clear, analytical thought of a scientist with the psychic insightfulness of a sadhak, the author brings together some of the most helpful quotes from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, weaving them into his text in ways which make each chapter a lucid and authentic guide on how to understand and practise the Integral Yoga. Key chapters discuss the triune principles of aspiration, rejection, and surrender; the central role of the Divine Grace; some important elements of the paths of works, love, and knowledge; and the perfection of the human instrumentality.

Individuo e Società 
— Sri Aurobindo e Mère
ISBN: 978-93-5210-105-4
Publisher: Domani, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 52
Price: Rs 120

L’evoluzione non è solo individuale, ma anche collettiva. Ogni possibilità di aggregazione sociale deve essere manifestata sulla terra, affinché sia vissuta e portata alla sua massima espressione, così che l’uomo possa coglierne tutte le potenzialità ma anche gli inevitabili limiti, che porteranno la collettività umana alla ricerca di nuovi, più evoluti, assetti sociali.

In questo libretto Sri Aurobindo descrive l’evoluzione collettiva attraverso le varie esperienze di aggregazione sociale recenti: Democrazia, Socialismo, Capitalismo, Collettivismo, tutte ancora insufficienti a soddisfare le richieste di una nuova società spiritualizzata.

Nonostante i brani riportati siano stati scritti da Sri Aurobindo negli anni dal 1915 al 1918, con alcune note aggiunte nel 1950, essi sono più che mai attuali e non può che colpire il fatto che, con l’anticipo di oltre un secolo, Sri Aurobindo abbia in sostanza previsto quanto poi sarebbe successo, come il collasso del Comunismo e la barbarie economico-vitale dell’uomo moderno.

Quanto al ruolo dei singoli individui, l’emersione dell’elemento psichico sarà la condizione alla base del cambiamento sociale.

Tweets by @SavitriEraParty
The India we live in is a Colonial legacy and must be subjected to rational examination by sympathetic consideration of linguistic fissures.
Liberation of the States has no less moral validity than India as a single nation since welfare and prosperity takes precedence over culture
At seventy India must retire and hand over the future to its fifty offsprings. Time to listen to simmering discontent from Kashmir to Kerala

Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

I feel ecstatic reading Savitri - Aurovillian passes away The Hindu-7 hours ago According to a press note from Auroville, Krishna, a highly decorated officer, had joined the British Indian A...

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Society should be rationally reconfigured like shop floor - @GreatHeretic I agree. Actually Twitter is the culprit; it offers this platform for instant publishing and I express what I feel to be right @GreatHeretic S...

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Babaji, Prapatti and Utsabananda Samantaray - Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 12.02.1950 To, Sj Lalit Mohan Ghose, The purpose of your letter was communicated to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. They gi...

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The lines of The Life Divine are steeped in the illumination of the Veda -Wednesday, December 27, 2006 Ahab, a synonym for Aham (‘I’) To adapt a meme attributed to Whitehead: if European philosophy amounts to a footnoting of Plat...

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